The pics below come in two sizes. The smaller ones are from our website before we moved to our new host, when we got to upload bigger ones without losing too much resolution.

Nina Corey with a newly finished rag rug
Everyone loves a rag rug

Rug by Chris Corey, modelled by Max
Rug by Rachael FoxEvans

Rachael said
‘Just thought you’d like to see my first ever rug from your kit!’
and she was right.
Rug by Donna and Hannah Starkey

Donna said
‘Here’s a picture of my daughter Hannah with her creation made from old fleece blankets.
Our first attempt at a rag rug!
Many thanks to you’
And many thanks to you, Donna and Hannah.
Striking ‘Zebra’ rag rug, by Val
We met a lovely lady at the NEC a few months ago who brought one of our kits to make a wall hanging using some of her son’s favourite clothes. She explained she wanted to make something from his clothes rather than just leave them in a cupboard. It was her first attempt at rag rugging, and she has just sent these photos of her finished piece. We asked if we could share them on our facebook page, to show a fantastic way of recycling a loved one’s clothes. Hopefully it will bring lots of happy memories. Thanks for letting us share this : )
Stephanie Gaston @ragqueen57 made this funky cushion, out of cashmere, using a spider tool and got the same pattern on both sides
Star rag rug
Janet White made this rag rug, her first, for her Granddaughter’s star-themed nursery. Janet says she wanted to make a heritage rug so she used lots of cloth from family members and local charity shops. That’s always a lovely idea and it’s a lovely rug. The back looks good, too!
Gemma Down emailed this pic of the lovely bright wreath she made. Just the thing for Christmas!
Nicola sent us this pic of her daughter, Lucy, making this lovely bright rug. She’s making great progress, having only just got the tool, and is using old clothes from her family which is really in the rag rug spirit of upcycling . And it’s already been to after school club.
An amazing puffin rug by Christine of Fife
An equally impressive thistle rug, also by Christine of Fife
Christine of Fife does it again! With her her beautiful sunflowers rug, this time
Purrfect Gift
Janet White, of Leeds, made this brilliant rug as a new home present for cat loving friends. She’s kindly let us post the pick and even revealed what she used for the whiskers – roman blind cord. Thanks Janet!
First rag rug
Sarah Houseman sent this pic of her first rag rag and is now getting stuck into the into the next one. If it’s as good as this one it’ll be pretty good!
Living History North East

Joy, who volunteers Living History North East, in Sunderland, sent this pic of various rag rugs made by the reminiscence group at the charity. What a lovely range of rag rugs – they must have had a great time. Thanks Joy!
Beautiful multi-coloured rug

Jude, in Gwynedd, sent us this pic of the gorgeous rag rug she made and kindly said we could post it. Thanks, Jude, it’s just the sort of mixing colours rag rug making’s all about.
More from Jude.
We just love this bag!

And even more from Jude
Jude definitely has talent!
Made for mining museum
Brian Naylor kindly sent us pictures of these rag rugs he’s made for Lancashire Mining Museum, in Astley. Very much the thing to set off their miners cottage exhibit!
Wreaths made by Cherry Abrams
Very Christmassy!
Great for any time of year
Spring Wreath
Another lovely wreath by Cherry Abrams, this time it has a spring feel. Just the thing to look forward to in early Feb. Cherry runs wreath making workshops at her local Sue Ryder vintage charity shop in Leicester. If you want to contact her this is her email:
Rose wreath
Latest pic from Cherry. Once it’s spring you get roses! Ideal.
A crafty look at a pic from Cherry’s brochure for her workshop in May
A rag flower
Latest pic kindly sent by Ruth Bartholomew just goes to show rag rugging doesn’t have to be for something to stand on, it can be 3D art!
And another flower from Ruth
And a bloom from Ruth
Excellent though the flowers are, Ruth still makes rugs
Cherry Adams’ work in progress
Cherry uses an alternative method to make her wreaths and kindly shared this info:
She turns in and presses the edges, of the hessian, to stop it from fraying before binding the wreath wire.
Then she adds the fabric with the rugger. For her wreaths she uses pure wool upcycled from blankets and throws scarves etc. She often cuts the fabric with pinking shears to make it look like ‘leaves’ Then if she wants to fix cones or baubles to the wreath I wire them on with florists wire and fix with a vintage button.
We have to say – it certainly works and looks good! For another method please click
Thanks very much indeed to Cherry for the pics and info and for letting us use it.
There’s more of Cherry’s pics in our
rag rug gallery.
Planets rug made by Janet White
Another gorgeous rag rug made by Janet. It’s her latest project made for her Grandson. Lucky boy!
And here’s the back
It’s a brilliant rag rug whichever way you look at it!
Great idea for Christmas
Cherry Abrams has had the clever idea to make a small Christmas wreath to surround a tea-light on a table top, with rag rugging, as a very attractive decoration and has been kind enough to share a pic [below]. Please remember the candle must be in a jar to keep the heat of the tea-light from the wreath and to only use natural fibres to make it as man-made fibres can be a fire hazard.
Rug made for mining museum
Brian Naylor made this rug, and others, for Lancashire Mining Museum, in Astley. What a great way to make use of a hobby.
Heritage clock
Janet White shared this pic of the rag rug clock face she made, using Leeds Rhinos colours, showing the time her grandson was born. What a brilliant idea and a beautiful rug! There’s always time for rag rugging!
Rag rug for camper
Judith visited Nina & Chris on their Stitches Show stand at Westpoint, Exeter and decided to make her own rag rug for her camper conversion. She made it over a weekend and kindly send us a pic of it. Very attractive it is, too. Thanks, Judith!
It’s amazing what a bit of rug hooking can do!
Bag decorated by Jude, in Gwynedd.
Making best use
Ruth Bartholomew kindly sent us these pics of 3 rugs she’s made. Ruth says she cut old garments into long strips for crocheting and uses small pieces for making rag rugs. We like that – nothing goes to waste!

Sandra Smith sent us this email: “Thank you for the super fast delivery of my rag rugger tool, I am eager to put it to good use very soon. I have already made two rugs from Harris twead fabric which is just waste from my sons upholstery business.So it’s win win as nothing going into landfill and it is making a useful rug at no extra cost.”
Sandra also sent us these two pics [pretty good use of scrap material!]